Chasing Purpose



I never fully understood what it meant to chase something until what I was pursuing seemed too far to reach. Chasing purpose is far more than the notion of wanting something. In other words writing my vision, praying for it or even speaking it into existence is great but it doesn’t stop there. It is going after what you want when everything before you seems like it is against you achieving purpose. When you have already got your hands in multiple pots and you can’t seem to figure out when or how you can add anything else to your plate.

For many years I thought I was chasing purpose but really I was watching each day go past, holding my purpose in my heart but never really moving.

Sometimes that thing is lack of resources stop us from moving but more times than none, it is our mind. I remember knowing that I’d eventually use my experiences to shed light on God’s restorative and healing power. But the thought of being vulnerable overshadowed what I knew was a part of my purpose. Additionally, I knew that branching out my business to offer a new service predominately dominated by another market, was a part of my journey as an entrepreneur. A gift that God gave to me. But the thought of taking the risk instilled fear in me.

My mind was so conflicted that moving seemed silly! So I stayed within my comfort zone. In other words, a life of surviving instead of one thriving.

Often times the battle in the mind isn’t ‘can I’ but it is ‘how will I’ The battle of ‘how’ stops us from pursuing purpose. There are so many purpose filled people who are inactive.

But you can only catch what you’re chasing, when you run after it.



Below are 5 pointers on how to successfully chase purpose

1. You need to know what it is you’re going after and the strategy to achieve it. Not knowing what you’re working towards, is like getting into a car and driving with no destination. Not only will you burn fuel, but you’ll never know how close or far you are to getting to where you need to go. You need to sit before God and ask Him what you’re supposed to be doing. Like Habakkuk, we need to get on our watch tower and ask God what we’re supposed to do and how we’re meant to achieve it.

2. You’ve got to define how much you want it. When you understand that your purpose is important and that your life is called to bring glory to God, you’re more likely to do all you can to achieve it and make the sacrifices needed to live purpose driven lives.

3. Invest in yourself. This is a major key! To invest is a form of sowing. Many of us want to reap the benefits of creative ideas, financial rewards etc but we don’t sow into ourselves. One of the most underrated forms of investing in ourselves is through seeking knowledge. Not everyone has the resources to go and enrol on a course in line with their purpose but that doesn’t mean you can’t read books, listen to podcasts, watch videos etc. Knowledge is a form of power that money can’t buy. Another is sowing into your prayer

life! When you pray you’re giving God your requests and creating an open line for God to speak to you about what it is He will have you do. I challenge you to dedicate 30 mins daily seeking knowledge and another 30 mins praying it forth and see just how much of a difference this will make.

4. You must pursue it. To pursue means persistently go after what it is you’re working towards. In other words, we’ve read the books, prayed, now we’ve got to move! Persistent people don’t stop. Have you ever promised to give a child something and then you make the mistake of coming home without that treat? That child will persistently ask you for that treat day in day out until they receive it. Keep pursuing until you achieve each goal in line with your purpose. We all know faith without works is dead. So let’s bring life to our faith! 5. Set targets. Your purpose must have goals that you’re working towards. If not, how are you measuring it? Tangible goals helps to keep you in check and also allows you to see how your God given strategy in point 1 is going.

I hope these points are a useful way for you to truly begin to chase the things God has called you to. Remember chasing purpose isn’t something that is supposed to be easy but you are graced for the path set out for you


By Pastor Sarah Alongé

Pastor Sarah Alongé is an enthusiastic and passionate leader, entrepreneur & policy adviser. She believes impacting the world positively is a lifestyle. She is the CEO of S’Alongé designs and the mind behind blog; “Real Talk with Sarah Alonge”. Sarah uses her experiences to guide people towards God’s love and encourages them to seek strength.
