Lv31 meets Debrina Lee Francis


Lv31 got to meet this inspirational Christian designer and model.  She has modeled for a few designers as well as that she also graduated from the prestigious London school of fashion. She is not ashamed to let the world know that she lives for Christ in an industry where Soo few are willing to stand out for Christ. Lv31 got to know her better in a brief chat.

1. How would you describe your style?

I’m really experimental so I dibble and dabble in everything; a bit of Indie, a bit of sophistication with a bit of grunge with my many pairs of Dr.Martens....

2. What inspires you when deciding what to wear?

I dress according to how I feel, if I feel pretty ill put on heels if I feel abit slouchy and not bothered ill put on Dr M’s or some converses, I love my ChuckTaylors their great lol.
Apart from dressing how I feel on some occasions I usually just quickly go on websites like or and see what others are wearing and if I see one that inspires me then I think to myself what do I have like this in my wardrobe that is similar to what Ive I just seen then I’ll just add my own flavour to it ;).
3. ‘We believe a young Christian Lady can look nice in a classy way without looking ‘ granny’ or trashy’. How do you think woman can achieve this especially when going public places like church?

I always try to dress sophisticated but edgy when going to church I think if you can identify your own personal style but alter it slightly to make it suitable an respectable for different occasions like the House of God I think you will do well. Just putting on a pair of black opaque tights with an above the knee dress will make a difference. I like to wear tailored pieces to church like a blazer or something just to look pulled together and tidy. Also I don’t wear anything in the week that I wouldn’t wear to the church that’s like one of my rules I’ve made for myself. Apart from when its really hot ill throw on some shorts lol :)

4. Do you believe to be fashionable you have to spend a lot of money on shopping ?

Not atall. People think I am super rich haha because I have so much clothes but its not true most of my clothes range from 5-10 pounds to be honest, I let my sister buy the expensive clothes and I just wear them haha. You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to look expensive, its the way you wear your clothes that’s more important than how much they cost.

5.Where do you shop?

Primark, Roman Road, Walthamstow Market, Bricklane, Charity shops, Ebay, Topshop, River Island, H&M when theirs sale.

6. In this sex fuelled generation , do you believe the media or celebrities influence the way in which you dress?

I believe everyone is inspired by something or someone, consciously or unconsciously, me personally celebrities don’t inspire me there’s noone that I look upto.

7. What is a common mistake that you see among women in church ?
Erm lol in my church most of the woman are stylish and gorgeous and have impeccable style, I don’t think they make any mistakes lol.

Breeny off to Church

Breeny off to Church


8. What’s your ideal Proverbs 31 woman?

A woman who knows her worth as a woman. A woman who has vision, a woman who is full of integrity, a woman who is respected as a wife and a mother. A woman that is a help mate to her husband and brings him happiness.  

Thankyou for taking time  to speak with us and we hope to get in contact with you again for more style tips for Lv31 women out there.

Loving Me

 Over the past 2days I’ve been surrounded by talks about you are fat or you are big or I need to run a few laps because I don’t want to be big.  Insecurity about weight has been something that I’ve battled with for many years. It’s something that has made me look in the mirror and hate what I see. I never ever saw beauty but just someone who was big. When I finally gave my all to God,He taught me n
ot to fear what I see but to embrace and if I didn’t like it to change. But being surrounded by all this weight talk started to pick at my insecurities and make me doubt myself. The bible tells us that the enemy comes like a thief . The enemy knows your past, he knows where to hit you where it hurts so that all that God has done to pull you forward he can pull you back to square one. When I starting thinking about myself in a negative way I stopped and remembered the God I serve. I remembered the dark abyss of self hate He rescued me from and how big the fight was and I started praying and praising. In my praise I secured my joy.


 Because in God old things have passed away It is by His grace that I stand and am able to tell you how beautiful I am and if I want to change anything I can but not because I don’t fit into what the world would have me believe is beautiful
By Elizabeth Davies

I’m Just Tooo Old

So a female I know turned 19 or was it 20 and shockingly she walked around telling everyone how she felt old and how she was getting old. At first it was cute but then when I realized it wasn’t a joke and she was genuinely distraught. I thought to myself honestly what is the world coming to when a teenager (yep a 19 year old is still a teenager) is claiming she is getting old.. The issue with having such a mindset is that ‘as  a man thinks in his heart so he is’ or she as the case may be Proverbs 23:7. So if you go around claiming your ageing status before long you’ll begin to believe that and walk in it. Life and death is in the power of the tongue Proverbs 18:21. Even  Sarah in the bible was still young in her though she was quite far  along in years to the extent that a King was after her but in this ‘microwave’ generation teenagers think they are grannies and the elderly are sometimes neglected plus considered irrelevant (topic for a different day).

Effects of this im getting too old mindset are many but ill go through some. When ladies today have the aged mindset they will begin to rush to get things done. This forms a spirit of desperation. That kind of mindset is the reason a female in her early  20s or even a teenager will begin to hurriedly look for a Man so she can get with because she has the ‘im getting too old’ mindset rooted in her head. Or another lady who is yet to be married feels depressed because she is getting too old and yet to be married or married and yet to have kids.

A further issue with this is when have this mindset is that you get to an age when you just cant be bothered as you are ‘too old to be bothered’. When I see young mothers looking like they are grandmothers I can tell they have this ‘im too old mindset’. People think its acceptable to look unkept after marriage but I beg to differ. You should never be too old to care about your physical appearance regardless of your marital status. Perhaps I don’t understand it because of my upbringing. My mum in her 50s still looks after herself… She exercises, Takes care of herself and is in every sense of the word a ‘yummy mummy’. Growing up I saw her join aerobics classes and even organize aerobics classes to take place in her house. grandma The ‘im too old’ mindset is the opposite of what scriptures teach and it amazes me when I see young ladies carrying such mindset in their early twenties or late 20s.

This is a mindset that also makes  us ladies  believe that the older you get the more ashamed ofyour age you should be . You hear people saying things like ‘don’t ask a woman her age’. Why can I ask a man his age but not a wman? This is the mindset that leads a woman in her 20s or  30s to get botox due to her multiple ‘old aged’ wrinkle. I recently saw a study by ABC news whereby they discovered the number of women in their twenties using botox had risen by 10percent in just one year.

Why are we teaching our young girls its not okay to grow gracefully and to be proud of our age but instead to have a mindset of attributing aging with negativity.

 If you are too old at 20 what will you be at 70?

Have a mindset that as you mature the wiser you are without the ‘im too old mindset’. Believe that adding an extra year is an extra year God has blessed you and has purposed you to be alive to fulfill your divine mandate. Realize that you aren’t too old and will never be too old to live out God’s plan for that season of your  life. A few grey hairs don’t make you ugly, a few wrinkles don’t make you unworthy. Each birthday is not a time moan in shame at your so called ‘aging body’ but a time to celebrate God’s glory on your life and to thankGod for keeping you. Don’t let the world convince you, you are too old no matter the age you are.

Pearl Ilochi  LV31

pearl pic for lv31